Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tea Party Map

Unless the pundits understand the new political map of America, they will continue to wallow in their ignorance. The map is no longer Red and Blue but Yellow for Tea Party, Green for Anti-Tea Party, White for Potential Tea Party, Red for Republican and Blue for Democrat.

Kentucky, Florida, Pennsylvania, Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, Wisconsin, Utah, Texas and South Carolina are Tea Party States (Yellow).

Colorado, Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, Nevada and New Hampshire are Potential Tea Party States (White)

California, New York, Delaware, Vermont, Maryland, Washington and Illinois are Anti-Tea Party States (Green).

Ohio is a Republican State (Red).

Oregon is a Blue State (Blue).

That would be a good start in the new political map.

I would define a Tea Party State as one in which a Tea Party candidate won a state wide race.

I would define an Anti -Tea Party State as one in which a Tea Party candidate lost badly in a state wide primary or general election race.

I would define a Potential Tea Party State in which a Tea Party Candidate narrowly lost a Republican primary and the Republican won the state wide race or the Tea Party candidate narrowly lost the general election race.

I would define a Republican State in which there was no credible Tea Party candidate and the Republican won the state wide race. In case of a split, you would go back to the last general election.

I would define a Democrat State in which there was no credible Tea party candidate and the Democrat won the state wide race.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

McCrystal and Obama

As usual, Obama and the lame stream media are ignorant of history.

General McClellan and President Lincoln: President Lincoln would have lost the 1864 election to General McClellan if General Sherman did not capture Atlanta a few months earlier.

General MacArthur and President Truman. President Truman was so unpopular that he did not run in 1952 and the Republicans and another General, General Eisenhower won the election.

Another general openly mocked President Lincoln and President Lincoln was urged to replace that general. President Lincoln said, " I do not care what that general says about me as long as he wins the war."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Carly and Chuck Supporters

Rebecca Mansour said on her facebook page. Must read. Josh Painter at his finest.

I agree. Josh at his best. It is sad when Gov Palin supporters and Devore supporters demean each other. It does harm to the conservative cause. Such behaviour shows immaturity and lack of sophistication.

Personally I have been put in an uncomfortable position by Gov Palin endorsement of Carly Fiorina. If Chuck Devore was not a candidate, I would completely support Carly Fiorina thus I decided to be neutral and support both candidates and hope one of them will beat Tom Campbell who is the real opponent.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gov Palin and the American People

Even the Kos Poll Concedes Governor Palin's Offshore Drilling Position is a Winner #Palin

Do you favor or oppose increasing offshore drilling for oil and gas in U.S. coastal areas?
Favor 60
Oppose 32
Not Sure 8

Does the recent Deep Horizon oil spill make you more or less likely to favor or oppose increasing offshore drilling for oil and gas in U.S. coastal areas, or does it have no real effect on your point of view?
More likely 32
Less likely 13
No Effect 55

When Gov Palin takes a policy position she does not take a poll. She takes a policy position according to her political principles. The fact that the polls usually support her political position shows how she is in sync with the American people.

Carly vs Chuck

As a supporter of Chuck, I have been struggling with Gov Palin endorsement of Carly. I am a supporter of Chuck but I am dedicated to Gov Palin. If Gov Palin was a candidate, I would switch my allegiance from Chuck to Carly. At the moment, Gov Palin is not a candidate for any office and we do not know if she will be in the future. So what should I do. I decided to take the coward way out and be neutral. I will follow both Carly and Chuck and retweet theirs tweets but still giving priority to any news or tweets about Gov Palin. I think Chuck would make the best Senator from California but I know that Gov Palin should be the next president of the United States. It is more important that Gov Palin be the next President than Chuck be the next Senator from California.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Carly Fiorina Endorsement

It is apparent from the update on Gov Palin endorsement of Carly Fiorina that Gov Palin
was surprised by the criticism of her endorsement. Based on whom I follow and who follow
me on twitter, I was not surprised. Most are strong supporters of Gov Palin and Chuck Devore.
as I am. Gov Palin can support any conservative for any reason. My support for Gov Palin is
not dependent on which conservative she supports.

What concerns me is what was expressed recently in an article. Does she have a sufficient
number of advisers? Clearly she needs someone who supports Chuck Devore who could
have warned her about the reaction her endorsement of Carly Fiorina would create.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lame Stream Media and Santonio Holmes

News Item in the Baltimore Sun

"Authorities at Pittsburgh International Airport filed an incident report after a flight attendant claimed that Jets wise receiver Santonio Holmes failed to follow regulations by not turning off his ipod as the plane was landing. Holmes received a warning from authorities but was not charged with anything."

Posting on the New York Jets web site.

"Friday morning reports on a Pittsburgh TV station Website and other Internet outlets regarding an airline incident allegedly involving Jets wide receiver Santonio Holmes on Thursday night are not true, according to the Allegheny County, Pa., Police Department.

"As previously reported, [Santonio] Holmes was NOT removed from any airplane (4/29/2010)," a media release from the police department read. "He was asked to remove his Ipod (at one" point), in which he complied. There's no further information to report."

Who do you believe? If the NY Jets reporting was not true, the New York media will let everybody know about it. Except for this blog, who will hold the Baltimore Sun accountable. That is the problem with the Lame Stream Media. Accountability.