Gov. Palin On The Passage Of O-Care
“Out-of-touch Congress Sounds Our Clarion Call to Take a StandWe’ve been reminded many times that elections have consequences. Yesterday we saw the consequence of voting for those who believe in “fundamentally transforming” America whether we want it or not. Yesterday they voted. In November, we get to vote. We won’t forget what we saw yesterday. Congress passed a bill while Americans said “no,” and thousands of everyday citizens even surrounded the Capitol Building to beg them not to do it. Has there ever been a more obvious exhibition of a detached and imperious government?”
Though they’d like us to forget, we will remember the corrupt deals, the corrupt process, the lack of transparency, the deceptive gimmicks to game the CBO score, and the utter disregard for the will of the American people.”
“This is just the beginning of our efforts to take back our country. Consider yesterday’s vote a clarion call and a spur to action. We will not let America sink into further debt without a fight. “
Sarah Palin on Health Care - "You Were Warned"
She also calls the Health Care Bill - a coming "Train Wreck."
Read more:
Sarah Palin: Obamacare is Socialism (video)
Sarah Palin defines the health care debate as between those who want socialism and those who love America.
Obamacare: Column Illustrates the Potential for “Never Ending Conversation” End of Life Counseling Pressure
A physician named Dr. Eliezer Van Allen wrote an opinion column in this morning’s San Francisco Chronicle intending to puncture the fear of “death panels” in the context of our political debate over Obamacare–although he is not discussing the plan’s rationing boards, but rather, the end of life counseling controversy, a different matter altogether. Nobody is against physicians discussing what patients want in specific circumstances. As Dr. Van Allen notes, that is part of the job description for a primary care physician. The fear is that in a cost cutting/quality of life milieu, the counseling could become outcome directed, pushing very ill and expensive patients for which to care in a certain direction–already a problem with some advance directive forms.